Tuesday, 23 August 2011

GQA Conference 2011 - 16th November at Schuco, Milton Keynes

We are delighted to announce that the Glass & Glazing Federation have confirmed their sponsorship of the 2011 GQA Conference taking place at the Schuco Network Centre in Milton Keynes on the 16th November 2011.

In addition to their sponsorship, the GGF will also deliver a Workshop on The Green Deal, Minimum Technical Competencies and qualifications

Speakers / Workshops to date:

Keynote Speaker

· Martyn Roads of Assessment Tomorrow (http://www.assessmenttomorrow.com) will be our opening keynote speaker; Martyn has researched and implemented the use of IT in assessment including work with QCA, and will discuss the benefits of technology in the delivery of qualifications.


· Schuco’s Photovoltaic and qualification experts will deliver a session on the installation of PV Panels, linking to the new GQA Qualification in this area.

· GQA EV, Martin Sadler, will deliver a workshop on Assessment, discussing good practice in delivery of GQA QCF qualifications.

· The Vocational College will deliver a workshop on their experiences of using the GQA E-portfolio system which is to be launched at the conference.

· Paul Nolan of Web Products Direct and Amanda Jennings of GQA will give an introduction to GQAonline – the new web based system for centre administration of GQA qualifications.

· The GGF will deliver a session introducing the Green Deal, Minimum Technical Competencies and Qualifications.

There will also be the opportunity for delegates to get their hands on the new GQAonline system and the GQA e-portfolio system via a number of PC’s within the conference venue. This will give delegates a real feel for the new systems ready for using within their centres.

Further information on Speakers and Workshop topics will follow once confirmed.

Demand for places has been high, if you haven’t already booked your place please contact GQA on 01142 720033 or info@gqaqualifications.com to avoid disappointment.

Please note that the delegate cost is £90 and will include lunch.