Mick met with Northern Rooflines Ben Hutchinson and Richard Wood, Kestrel’s David Maybank and Neil Whitfield of NWTraining to mark the occasion. Magden’s Gerald Atkinson and Jim Hannon completed the supply chain and the group.
Northern Roofline are now part of the Kestrel Registered Installer Scheme, which involves those installing Kestrel products undertaking a GQA qualification programme, delivered by Mike Smith of Absolute Training Services in conjunction with NW Training. The qualification, training and accreditation scheme is designed to give Kestrel registered installers formal training in fitting roofline products, legislation affecting the products they sell, the benefits of installing products from the Kestrel range and formal onsite assessment to determine their competence. The scheme also offers installers a great point of differentiation from competitors because it means they can offer homeowners the all-important peace of mind in the work they are doing, as well as the products they are installing.
Northern Roofline’s Ben Hutchinson indicated that “the Kestrel Registered Installer Scheme and the qualification is great for us as it proves that we have good, competent installers installing a quality product that can set us apart from others within our industry”
Ryan Gledhill and Martin Curry, Northern Roofline Installers, received their GQA Level 2 NVQ Certificate in Domestic Fascia, Soffit and Bargeboard Installation (QCF) whilst on site in Dewsbury as part of the visit.