Monday, 21 November 2011

GQA Conference 2011

After months of preparation, the GQA Conference 2011 took place last week at the Schueco Network Centre in Milton Keynes.

Keynote Speakers, Martyn Roads and Tom Bowtell, discussed e-assessment and the Glass Academy respectively with delegates and initial feedback has been excellent on the content of the 2 speakers.

The workshops were also well received, with sessions running into the break times as delegates took a full part in the discussions on topics including:
  • PV Installation
  • Best Practice in Assessment
  • GQAOnline
  • E-portfolios - A centre's view
  • Green Deal and Quals in the Glass Industry
The removal of a speaker and addition of an extra coffee break from last years schedule to increase the opportunity for networking was also more favourable as this gave delegates the chance to talk to GQA staff, EV's, fellow centres and speakers.

All in all the Conference went well, it was great to see so many people representing our Approved Centres in one place and GQA staff received great feedback from delegates.

Many, many thanks to our sponsors - Schueco, GGF and Proskills, speakers - Martyn Roads and Tom Bowtell, and presenters - Grenville Bramley, Paul Gray & Steve Hill, Martin Sadler, Giles Willson and Paul Nolan, and we look forward to seeing you again next time.