PM Training is a GQA Approved Centre and is the social enterprise arm of the Aspire Group. Operating across both private and public sectors they provide high quality training and employment opportunities. PMT's services concentrate on maximising the social, economic and environmental impact they have in North Staffordshire. Surpluses made are re-invested via the Aspire Regeneration Charity to provide more training and employment opportunities for local people and to regenerate the area.
Working mainly with young people with limited formal qualifications, preparing them for the world of work through work experience, off the job training, social and personal skills and readiness for work skills. Around 70% of their young learners go on to secure full-time jobs or apprenticeships.
For more information visit http://www.pmtraining.org.uk/ and see what the Green Wizard is all about at http://www.bgcgroup.co.uk/news/bgc-launch-green-wizard-project/
PM training helps support around 500 apprenticeships every year. All of the apprentices have a dedicated mentor who keeps in touch with them to ensure they are successfully compeleting their programme. In addition PMT work with companies to upskill and retrain their workforce across a wide range of service areas and sectors.
The Homeworks service is an innovative way of providing services to partner organisations whilst supporting young learners to become ready for work and/or an apprenticeship. Homeworks services include gardening, environmental improvements, landscaping, painting and decorationg and estate caretaking. Other learners may develop their skills through linked Artworks and Officeworks services.
PM Training has built up very significant expertise in enabling young people to access learning and to build up their skills and confidence in the jobs market. The recent (January 2011) Ofsted inspection report said ‘The organisations key purpose is based on principles of social inclusion. PM has a very strong record over a number of years of successfully widening the participation of disadvantaged young people in training and employment. The providers open door policy promotes inclusion through facilitating access to training and employment for young people with previously poor academic achievement or behavior in areas of high deprivation.’
Over the last 18 months PM training has developed an extremely positive working relationship with BGC group. Despite the difficult economic climate, BGC has shown a clear commitment to its corporate social responsibility by taking on 16 apprentices from PM training. The Apprentices work with different, experienced craftsmen to ensure that they receive a very rounded experience. PM Training and BGC are now building on positive relationship to explore how they can work in partnership to deliver skills and qualifications in the installation and maintenance of micro renewable technologies, including solar panels; also looking at how they can work together in local schools to raise awareness of renewable and other green technologies. Tackling climate change is a key priority for PM Training and for the Aspire Group, measuring success through a triple bottom line – financial, social and environmental – and BGC has become a key partner in helping to deliver this.