Denis Reed, National Mobile Windscreens Compliance Manager, was recognised by GQA Qualifications for the high standards of quality assurance in his role as Internal Verifier at the 2nd Annual GQA Conference held at Schuco in Milton Keynes in November 2011.
Denis was the recipient of a stunning glass trophy for “Best practice in Internal Verification”, 1 of 3 awards GQA presented to recognise good practice in the Centres approved to offer GQA Qualifications.
National Mobile Windscreens has been delivering the NVQ in Automotive Glazing to its Engineers for many years, and has always used the qualification as a business improvement tool as well as a means of formal recognition for the skills and knowledge that is essential to meet the demands of its customers and comply with Codes of Practice such as PAS 125.
The Company has seen noticeable benefits from having trained Engineers both in terms of performance and attitude, and the proof of a qualified workforce has helped them win new business in a very competitive market. National Mobile Windscreens Engineers carry the GQA Q-Card on achievement and to ensure that skills and knowledge are kept up to date the Company has a programme in place for reassessment when the card expires
Sean Hayes is the GQA External Verifier for National Mobile Windscreens; he said “I am really pleased that Denis has been recognised for the commitment to quality he shows. This approach is echoed by the Lead Assessor, Pete Allen. Both have had a significant part to play in the NVQ being a part of the culture within the Engineers at National Mobile Windscreens. Denis has always been interested in getting the right qualifications for the company's Engineers and recently became the first GQA Approved Automotive Glazing Centre to have one of its own Repair Specialists achieve the NVQ Level 2 in Windscreen Repair: Denis has also been involved with GQA in the development of new qualifications specifically for those involved in Glass Distribution and Warehousing working environment”
Denis Reed said “The GQA Conference was a very interesting and enjoyable day and the award was a great surprise and very welcome. We have a very good relationship with GQA and really appreciate the opportunity to help develop qualifications that help the business as well as give recognition for our Engineers”