Monday, 12 March 2012

Glass Processing

Glass Processing probably has the widest range of occupations in it of all the parts of the glass industry that GQA qualifications are used in. The glass processing qualifications cover a great range of tasks carried out on glass and glass products but do not include the actual manufacturing of the glass. 

The areas covered include cutting glass, double glazing unit manufacture, toughening, and also includes decorative techniques such as etching. The qualifications  are at Level 2 and Level 3; the Level 3 is aimed at those with greater responsibility for technical matters including problem solving and improving the processes and monitoring quality. 

There are units within the qualification that should cover all roles within this part of the Glass Industry occupations, however there are some with their own specific qualification, for example craft glass and heritage glass, either available now or in development.

 For details of GQA’s Glass Processing qualifications and Centres approved to offer it visit