GQA Qualifications Blog

Thursday 8 November 2012

What are Minimum Technical Competencies?

Required by Competent Person Scheme Operators and also detailed within PAS2030: 2012 'Improving the energy efficiency of existing buildings.  Specification of installation process, process management and services provision', the Minimum Technical Competencies were developed by representatives of Competent Person Schemes and membership bodies operating within the fenestration sector in conjunction with GQA, Proskills and the Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG).
This group used the existing National Occupational Standard (NOS) and GQA developed QCF qualifications to devise appropriate minimum requirements for installers and surveyors involved in the installation of windows and external doors.
GQA Qualifications meet the requirements of the MTCs and holding a Q-Card is the beginning of the journey in terms of updating and recognition of ongoing skill and competence.
For more information on the MTCs contact GQA on 01142 720033 /, or alternatively speak to your Competent Person Scheme Operator.
The MTCs are available from :