GQA are delighted to announce that Mr James Ayling, Head of
Employer Accounts at the National Apprenticeship Service, will be our keynote
speaker at the GQA Approved Centre Conference taking place on the 25th July
2013 at Schueco’s impressive Network Centre in Milton Keynes.
There is much proposed change in the system with the advent
of the Employer Ownership Pilots, the Government’s response to the Richard
Review of Apprenticeships and this autumn’s implementation of the Traineeship
programme and James will discuss how these will drive future change to
apprenticeships, and the qualifications associated with them.
The Conference schedule is building well, with James joining
Andy Carrington of Derby College (Building Regulations for Fenestration) and
Declan Moore of the GGF (Health and Safety) as confirmed speakers. Workshops on
‘Effective Assessment’, ‘Delivering GQA Leadership Qualifications’ and ‘MTCs /
Continued Competence’ are being developed and will also be confirmed shortly.
The conference will again close with the GQA EV and Staff
nominated Approved Centre Awards, recognising good practice in Assessment,
Internal Verification and overall Approved Centre practice.