When I heard that the qualification suite from GQA was going through a revamp, trepidation, anxiety and frustration reigned in assessors thoughts – “if it isn’t broke don`t fix it”
However, having utilised the QCF units for the last 12 months or so the benefits and positives are there for the candidates and assessors alike.
At first glance of the QCF standards there seems little has changed but now the individual units are user friendly enabling both candidate and assessor to identify and understand requirements without endless interpretation particularly of the knowledge.
Simple “BE ABLE” and “KNOW HOW” criteria enables holistic assessment to be undertaken precisely, fully involving the candidate without hesitation, confusion and frustration and the need to try and interpret them. In turn unit achievement is enhanced which is a major motivation factor for candidates and, of course, assessors.
The cost effectiveness angle when delivering these qualifications as part of an Apprenticeship is also important as timescales and funding are being reduced, the QCF qualifications assist in the candidates development and candidates can now own their standards and fully understand what they have been ultimately assessed against.
Steve Hill - The Vocational College Assessor & I.V