Thursday, 15 December 2011

Apprentice Search Begins after K2 Fast's impression of working with NLTG

K2 FAST of Wirral Cheshire has recently had success with the Adult Apprenticeship programme. 

Steven Anderton and Terry Burke, both fabricators, achieved their GQA level 2 fabrication qualification and decided to enrol onto the GQA Level 3 Fabrication qualification. Phil Tannock, Director of the K2 Fast, presented Steve and Terry with their GQA qualification certificates (pictured right) and commented that he was "highly impressed with how North Lancs Training Group were professional in their approach to delivering the qualification as it took minimum disruption to production." Phil also commented how responsive both Steve and Terry were to the programme, going on to say that this has helped K2 Fast to carry on producing quality products when tendering for future work and allows Terry and Steve to visit sites all over the country. 

Phil was also complimentary about how NLTG had delivered the qualifications, stating that he was very impressed with training officer Roy Pusey and North Lancs Training Groups’ apprenticeship scheme, and he has asked NLTG for assistance in finding a young apprentice to enrol on the scheme in the New Year.