Friday, 23 December 2011

Are GQA Centres affected by the Ofqual General Conditions of Recognition for Awarding Organisations?

In May 2011 the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual) launched the General Conditions of Recognition. The Conditions specify the requirements that any organisation wishing to become recognised as an awarding body needs to fulfil. All awarding bodies currently recognised by Ofqual are required to notify Ofqual of their compliance with the Conditions by 5pm on 18 May 2012.

In preparation for the 18 May 2012 deadline to notify Ofqual of compliance with the Conditions, GQA are carrying out a self-assessment activity against the requirements of the Conditions. This self-assessment activity may result in the identification of changes that are required to ensure full compliance with the Conditions. Some of these changes may impact on GQA Approved Centres.

Whilst we will endeavour to minimise the impact of the Conditions on Approved Centres, we will update you early in 2012 on any changes required.