Work based qualifications have undergone recent changes, The National Qualifications Framework (NQF) is now the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF). These changes have opened the door for Awarding Organisations to sell qualifications without any input or hand in their development. GQA have been developing and offering accredited qualifications for over 20 years and have forged a strong affinity with key industry players such as Pilkington, Anglian, Ardagh, Auto Windscreens and Schueco, all of whom have, and continue to, use GQA qualifications. Mick Clayton, CEO of GQA said “Many Awarding Organisations just sell qualifications, we on the other hand create them, moulding them to the needs of today's industry. We know this business inside out, and have an inner drive to see quality qualifications developed and achieved that really make a difference to companies, employees and consumers”. Our approach in qualification development is to work with recognised industry experts to develop draft documents, which are then circulated to the wider industry as part of the consultation process. Mick continues to say “Our strength is in our experience and commitment to quality, this quality being throughout the development, delivery and quality assurance of qualifications, and being able to react to requests as we advise, support and guide our Approved Centre network. “
But GQA don't stop at specialising in the Glass and Glazing industry, they now develop and accredit qualifications for the Coatings and Print industry, with a move into construction, using Cskills developed units enabling GQA centres to expand their offer to current clients, but staying with GQA’s quality provision of advice and guidance .
Current QCF qualifications accredited by Ofqual within the Glass, Glazing and Coatings industries were developed by GQA Qualifications, with the majority of the qualifications available for the Print industry also being developed by GQA. Others may copy, but GQA originate and innovate – when looking for work based qualification, always look for the big green Q.