The need to reduce all forms of pollutants is ever growing and a natural progression within our industry could lead to a reduction in the pollution of noise. Noise, and the effects of noise, is a main factor in our wellbeing and has been a major contributor to the discomfort of people’s lives for many years, potentially leading to a number of serious health problems that continue in today’s society with road associated noise, lawnmowers, trains, aircraft, people noise, music and so on.
So what might be next? I feel that the next inclusion to affect the Fenestration industry could be linked to regulation E (sound). Regulation E already takes into consideration noise pollution, and the reduction of noise pollution, within refurbishments, new dwellings and acoustic conditions within our schools. Removing or reducing the passage of sound through our glazing is a natural progression something all home owners will surely welcome. Triple glazing has been around for a long time and is effective in the reduction of sound but can become very heavy to handle and may or may not have a long term effect on the operation and effectiveness of the sash.

Will the next inclusion that affects the Fenestration sector be the addition of approved document - (E- resistance to Sound)?
Andy Carrington
GQA External Quality Advisor/Technical Officer